FAQ’S Answered: Are you a placement service?


Hey, it’s Cesar from Instant Per Diem Attorneys answering another question, and the question is: are you a law firm? No, we are not a law firm. Although I am an attorney, Instant Per Diem Attorneys is not a law firm. We are a placement service and an online software program that handles your requests. We have a 100% human customer support team that sees, reviews, and processes your requests as they come in. We also leverage the power of artificial intelligence to help us reduce errors and ensure that your appearances are handled to 100% of your satisfaction.

The attorneys that appear in court, or that we call per diem attorneys, appearance attorneys, local counsel, those attorneys are working at the behest of your law firm for that specific task or assignment. So I hope that clears up the confusion, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out.