FAQ’S Answered: Will a per diem attorney call me prior to handling the matter?
Hey, it’s Cesar from Instant Per Diem Attorneys. I’m just going to go ahead here and answer a few more frequently asked questions.
The next question is, “Will a per diem attorney call me prior to handling my case?”. Yes, of course, per diem attorney services are only for licensed attorneys, but the question is, will a per diem attorney call your firm before handling the case?
Unless you asked not to be contacted, the per diem attorney will usually call you if he needs more information or clarification, and we encourage that. We encourage communication between the per diem attorney and the handling attorney, and we think that communication is the best way to avoid any issues, to make sure exactly and crystal clear what the expectations are, what your goal is, for having a per diem attorney appear and what you want want out of the appearance and also to make sure that the per diem attorneys understands what’s expected of him or her.
So hope that answer that question.